1 A: If you pass a bakery, will you buy some bread. please?
B: Yes, of course. How much do you need?
2 A: Did you invite Tim to the party?
B: No. but when I speak to him, I will invite him.
3 A: May I go out now, please?
B: Yes, provided you've done your homework.
4 A: Mum seems very busy at the moment.
B: Were you offering to help her?
A: Hurry up, or else we will miss the train.
B: I know, I'm being as quick as I can.
A: Unless you work hard, you will fail the exam.
B: I know. I've been studying every evening.
7 A: I forgot to ask Simon for his phone number.
B: I will ask him for you, if I see him today.
8 A: Peter won't help me with my homework.
B: I'm sure he will help you if he has the time.
9 A: I'm not going to tell him what happened.
B: What if he finds out on his own?
10 A: If I hadn't bought that lottery ticket.
I would have never won all this money!
B: I know. Isn't it amazing!
11 A: Unless you go to bed now, you will be tired in the morning.
B: I know. I'm going.
12 A: I need some wrapping paper.
B: Well, if I find any at the shop, I will buy some for you.
13 A: Can I have some chocolate cake, please?
B: Well, as long as you eat all your dinner, you can have some chocolate cake.
14 A: I hate going into town.
B: So do I. Whenever I go into town, I come back with a headache.
15 A: You'd better apologise, otherwise he will never speak to you again.
B: You're right. I will.
Технология-это совокупность методов и инструментов для достижения желаемого результата.В широком смысле — применение научного знания для решения практических задач.Технология включает в себя работы, её режим, последовательность действийТехнология является сравнительно новым, многогранным термином, точное определение которого ускользает из-за постоянного развития смысла этого понятия, как самого по себе, так и взятого в отношениях с другими, такими же широкими понятиями: культура, общество, политика, религия, природа. К началу XX века термин «технология» охватывал совокупность средств, процессов и идей в дополнение к инструментам и машинам.
Technology is a set of methods and tools to achieve the desired result. In a broad sense - the application of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems. Technology includes methods of work, its mode, sequence of actions. Technology is a relatively new, multifaceted term, the exact definition of which eludes due to the constant development of the meaning of this concept, both in itself and taken in relations with other, as broad concepts: culture, society, politics, religion, nature. By the beginning of the 20th century, the term “technology” encompassed a combination of tools, processes, and ideas in addition to tools and machines.
8. Do you mind my turning OFF the radio? I am sick artd tired OF that loud music. 9. The young girl looked so good- natured that everybody liked her AT first sight. 10. As the station was three miles away FROM the place where Nick lived he asked his friends not to see him so, AFTER shaking hands WITH everybody, he picked UP his suitcases and started OUT
11. The young men stood IN front OF the house and watched their friend go DOWN/ ALONG the street until they lost sight OF him.
12. Pavlov’s scientific activities are known TO the entire world.