The Moscow Metro.
The first line of the Moscow Metro was opened in 1935. Today the Moscow Metro is the 5th busiest metro and the largest metro in the world. A lot of underground stations are landmarks. They look like underground palaces. The Moscow Metro consists of 13 lines with 203 stations (2017). Nearly all of them are underground. During rush hours the minimum interval between trains is 90 seconds. 7 million people travel on the Metro every day. The most popular stations are Pushkinskaya, Kitai- gorod, VDNH, Prospect Mira (Peace Avenue), Lenin State library, Arbatskaya, Botanicheskiy sad (Botanical garden) and much more. To many people, the Moscow Metro represents all that is great and beautiful in Russia.
(Моя любимая летняя одежда это разноцветные футболки, шорты, сандали и кепки.)
My favorite winter clothes are jumpers, sweaters and scarfs.
(Моя любимая зимняя одежда это джемперы, свитеры и шарфы)
When it's hot I put on my lightest shirt.
(Когда жарко я одеваю свою самую лёгкую рубашку)
When it frosty I put on my coat and gloves.
(Когда морозно я одеваю мое пальто и перчатки)
When it's warm I put on my jeans and shirt.
(Когда тепло я одеваю мои джинсы и рубашку)
When it's cold I put on my fur coat and boots. (Когда холодно я одеваю мои шубу и сапоги)