Теоретически: Do you have... настоящее простое - о вещах, которые имеются постоянно (У тебя есть брат?). Have you got... - настоящее совершенное о вещах, имеющихся на данный момент (У тебя есть авторучка?). В реальности же Do you have... чаще применяется в США, а Have you got... - в Британии, независимо от ситуации.
Many people takes a great interest in sports. I too take a great interest in sports. My favourite sports are football. Football is game of millions people. I consider that football is the best game in the world. Though basketball, hockey, tennis, Rugby football and a golf too not from the last. In each sports I have favorite teams, players. In basketball my favorite team is CSKA, in tennis I support Nadal, in hockey I support Astaninsky "Barys". And here for, Chelsea ”I have started to be ill when I have gone to the first class. I support"Chelsea"because my favourite player is Frаnk Lаmpard. Frаnk James Lаmpard- the English football player, the halfback of London "Chelsea" and an English national team. The best goal-scorer of a command among all halfbacks in the history
As for me, my favourite sport is football. It may be unusual for garls, but I like it. I like play football at out PT lessons. I like football because it is team game. Team games are unites people/ I play football for my pleasure not for results. With the help of sports I have good health and keep fit. People in our country do sports not enough, like in America or Europe. I think sport make us more organized and disciplined. I also agree with a latin prowerb " A sound mind in a sound body". A lot of teens of Ukraine do sports but a lot of cmoke and drink alkohol. I think when a person live healthy life-style he or she has good job, good family and good friends. Sports are common ground for people of all ages and nationalities. Sport is a good way to make new friends
Do you have... настоящее простое - о вещах, которые имеются постоянно (У тебя есть брат?).
Have you got... - настоящее совершенное о вещах, имеющихся на данный момент (У тебя есть авторучка?).
В реальности же
Do you have... чаще применяется в США, а Have you got... - в Британии, независимо от ситуации.