Вставьте слова: began, built, placed, moved, understood, came, changed, became, defended, took, watered, appeared. 1 to norilsk last month. now it is her home town. 2 nothing at the lesson because he wasn't listening to the teacher. 3 you won't believe how many in our city last year. 4 the city of st the home of russian tsars in the 18th century. 5 after the war his to grow fast. 6 a new health centre in the city last year. 7 russian their country during the war of 1812. 8 the train yesterday and came to the office late. 9 a taxi because she had a lot of bags and suitcases. 10 last summer was very hot and the flowers every day. 11 len washed the dishes them on the table. 12 suddenly in the room again. there was a big box in his hands. 13 when in, dick stood up. he was real gentleman.