1. I can sing very well.
2. He can swim.
3. We can wait for you.
4. We can walk in the park alone.
5. You can eat this cake.
6. I can do my homework after the party.
7. It can help you clean the house.
8. She can draw a picture.
9. He can take a photo of us.
10. I can call your mum.
1. I can't do my homework, because l'm very tired.
2. We can't get up early in the morning tomorrow.
3. He can't go to the cinema with us.
4. You can't be serious.
5. My brother can't walk in the park alone.
6. Parrots can't eat chocolate.
7. Kate can't walk with us, she must do her homework.
8. Penguines can't fly.
9. We can't decorate Christmas tree today.
10. You can't do the exercise!
I /wouldn’t / be surprised if we / turned out/ to be ordinary humans, after all.
If Maggie /looked/ out his eyes, /would she / come away from the terrifying experience?
If the captain / was / shipwrecked, and you /wanted/ / to rescue him in a boat, he /would want / to know who was rowing the boat before he /got/ in.
The transfer / would/ be easier if she /had /no idea what was happening.
The East India Company / could/ break Miguel’s control, if it / increased /the coffee amount on the market.
If my brother /were /to blame he / would/ ask your forgiveness.
If this /could/ be arranged there / would be/ nothing left for Chris to do.
It /would look / as if we /were/ conspiring.
If it /weren't / for the pain and disgrace Sue /would be / willing to end it all.