-Hello, I've heard that recently you've visited North America! Where exactly have you been and what have you seen there?
-That's right I've been to the United States. I've visited their largest state - Alaska. It's a very interesting place as lots of plains and snow deserts are located there.
-Wonderful, have you been to Hawaii too?
-Yes, USA is a big county, there are fifty states there. Hawaii is a federal district located in Pasific Ocean. We've had a trip to that island as well.
-That's lovely. Where are you going next year?
-I'm taking a trip to Dominican Republic.
1) They are the students of the 10th (grade)
2) We like to wear a (school) uniform.
3) My little sister would like to be a (grown)-up today.
5) (Drama) and (Science) (are) subjects in the UK.
1) creative work/person/imagination;
2) angry face/voice/mood;
3) independent life/state;
4) foreign country/language;
5) dull book/film;
6) sociable child/people;
7) unfriendly act;
8) responsible worker/position.