яркое солнце, чистое голубое небо, длинные жаркие дни — это основные признаки прихода долгожданного лета. природа наливается всевозможными радужными красками: деревья и кусты одеваются в пышные одежды из зеленых листьев, цветы радуют буйным цветением и невероятными ароматами, а лесные ягоды наливаются соком. все это настолько завораживающее зрелище, что хочется видеть его постоянно, вдыхать пьянящий аромат без остановки и передышки.
1)I was about to stop that dispute, but I have Changed my mind. 2) I was about to tell all the truth about him. 3) I thought the plane was about to fall down. 4) I was about to cook the dinner, but I found out that mom have cooked it before me. 1) We were on the point of building a new house when we changed our minds. 2)She was on the point of travelling at the countryside. 3)They were on the point of going on a picnic but the weather changed . 4)I was on the point of making a delicious cake that my momlikes to cook for me.
My favorite destination in the art of painting it. I have a few favorite artists, one of Van Gogh. I have two favorite paintings of Van Gogh. This "Sunflowers" and "Starry Night." Starry Night was written in June 1889, with a view of the pre-dawn sky above the fictional town from the window of the artist's home in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. It is considered one of the best works of Van Gogh and one of the most important works of Western zhivopisi.Van Gogh wanted to show the starry night, created by the power of imagination - more amazing than the one that can be observed in reality. This picture shows the power of the imagination of the artist. It shows you how much can be high professionalism, that the artist can combine reality and imagination. "Sunflowers" - the name of two cycles of paintings by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh. The first series is made in Paris in 1887. It is dedicated to underlying colors. The second series is made in a year, in Arles. It depicts a bouquet of sunflowers in a vase. It is very sunny picture, despite the fact that it has not been done in a variety of bright colors and it has a dark and cool colors, she seemed to glow from within. As you can see in these two pictures are mainly dominated by two colors, yellow and blue, maybe it's this idea, perhaps it happened by chance, but who knows who knows
яркое солнце, чистое голубое небо, длинные жаркие дни — это основные признаки прихода долгожданного лета. природа наливается всевозможными радужными красками: деревья и кусты одеваются в пышные одежды из зеленых листьев, цветы радуют буйным цветением и невероятными ароматами, а лесные ягоды наливаются соком. все это настолько завораживающее зрелище, что хочется видеть его постоянно, вдыхать пьянящий аромат без остановки и передышки.