Надо закончить предложения: 1) at the weekends.. 2) for breakfast i.. 3) yesterday i.. 4) when i'm older i think i'll.. 5) next week i.. 6) i listen to music when.. 7) i've never.. 8)learning english is.. 9) the best day of the week is.. 10) at home i have to.. 11) when i was litlle.. 12) i don't really like.. 13) people my age.. 14) i reckon that parents should.. 15) the best sport is..
2) For breakfast I have tea.
3) Yesterday I went to school.
4) When I'm older I think I'll be a pilot.
5) Next week I am going to the cinema.
6) I listen to music when I have time.
7) I've never done it.
8) Learning English is boring.
9) The best day of the week is Sunday.
10) At home I have to wash up.
11) When I was little I couldn't walk.
12) I don't really like boxing.
13) People my age young.
14) I reckon that parents should be sleeping.
15) The best sport is boxing.