in my free time i like writing some texts in english, this is so cool. when i go home, after hard day at school, i'm starting doing my homework, and i can't wait, when i can write the text in english, excuse my tautology. when my friends go for a walk and have fun, i'm writing the texts, like this; i can write texts for 10 hours. i could built a perfect card castles or i could create incredible domino rally. but instead of this i'm naturally create the sentences and make a texts of them in english of course. sometimes i going to a street and take some notes in my notepad, about everything, like what humans prefer to do. usually they do nothing, just pretending to busy with something. i have a second little hobby, which i do then i don't write some lyrics - it's collecting bugs and some insects. i just go to the forest and put the bottle traps, after i use special technique to perpetuate them. and also i love a dreaming.
what i would change in life? Nothing. Nothing should be changed. Could you imagine that your life would be like without the events you regret the most not happening? For example, a few years back i fell off my bike and broke a permanent tooth in half. If i had a choice to go back and change this, i wouldn^ t. The things i learned from this, the experience is oaked in from just falling off my bike, was incredible.
This world is based on cause and effect