1147 - One thousand one hundred and forty-seven
(eleven forty-seven – если это год)
1492 - One thousand four hundred and ninety-two
(Fourteen ninety-two)
2012 - Тwo thousand and twelve
(two thousand and twelve )
1957 - One thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven
(nineteen fifty-seven)
1945 - One thousand nine hundred and forty-five
(nineteen forty- five)
1961 - One thousand nine hundred and sixty-one
(nineteen sixty-one)
1812 - One thousand eight hundred and twelve
(eighteen hundred twelve)
2003 -Two thousand and three
(Two thousand and three)
1799 - One thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine (seventeen ninety-nine)
1400 - One thousand four hundred
(fourteen hundred)
1563 - One thousand five hundred and sixty-three
(fifteen sixty-three)
2010 - Two thousand and ten
(Two thousand and ten или Twenty ten)
2. John and Mary's song is wonderful - Песня Джона и Марии прекрасная.
3. London's buses are red - Автобусы Лондона красного цвета.
4. That tower is our country's oldest building - Та башня - самое старое здание нашей страны.
5. John had a week's business trip last month - У Джона была недельная командировка в месяце.