London is a beautiful city. (Лондон красивый город)
Its population is more than 9 million people.(Его население более чем 9 млн человек)
London is the capital of Great Britain (Лондон - столица Великобритании)
London is an anciant city. (Лондон это древний город)
There are four parts in London: (Лондон делят на 4 части:)
Westminster, West End, East End, and the City.
Westminster is the governmental part of London (Вестминстер - правительственная часть Лондона)
The City is the busiest part. (Город (центр) - более занятая часть )
The West End is the richest part. (Вест Энд - самая богатая часть)
The East End is the part of London where working people live (Ист Энд - часть, где больше проживают рабочие люди)
London is the largest city in Europe (Лондон - самы большой город в Европе)
Its situated on the river Thames (Он расположен на реке Темза)
was playing, was doing
drank, ate
was having, heard
was working, passed
went, took out, began
started, wanted
was doing, visited
was, saw
didn't understand, were talking