Любовь это чувство когда человек хорошо относится например к маме и папе.Дарит как-бы тепло.И это чувство есть у каждой семьи. Сестра и брат тоже строятся но они любят друг друга. И если даже мальчик понравился девочке из этого получается семья
1) Bill is as busy as Peter. Peter isn't as busy as Bill. 2) Jack is as tired as Bill. Jack isn't as tired as Bill. 3)French is as difficult as English. English isn't as difficult as French. 4) Text 2 is as easy as text1. Text1 isn't as easy as text2. 5)Tom has as many English books as Max. Max hasn't as many English books as Tom. 6)Paris is as beautiful as London. London isn't as beautiful as Paris. 7)Tom works as hard as Peter. Peter doesn't work as hard as Tom. 8)Literature is as interesting as history. History isn't as interesting as literature.
Yesterday I had a visit from the man who works in a Bank. Lucy works for a company that produces chocolate. The police caught the person who stole my car. This book is about a girl who ran away from home. Alexander Graham bell - a scientist who invented the telephone. What happened to the paintings that hung on the wall? A dictionary is a book where you can look up the meaning of words. It is possible that earth is the only planet with life. Have you found the keys that you lost last week? You've got the money Michael has lent you last month? The people we met at the party were very friendly. My colleagues with whom I work in the same office, invited me to the restaurant. It was probably the worst movie I've ever seen. This trip was the best thing that ever happened in my life. I like the people on whom you can rely.