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Task 1/
1.Kate is preparing dinner.
2.They are hunting for Easter eggs.
3.We are eating Turkey.
4.The Easter Bunny isn't coming.
5.I am making Easter eggs.
6. The children ar eating candy.
7. You are singing a nice song.
8.The dog is chasing the cat.
9.The cat is running.
10. He is drinking coffee.
Task 2/
1. Am I cooking dinner?
2.Is Jack baking pie?
3.Are the girls eating ?
4.Is it raining?
5.Are they making Easter eggs?
6.Are you coming?
7.Is the dog barking?
8.Is she talking?
9.Is he laughing?
10. Are Kate and John sleeping?
2) What did Tantalus was allowed to? / Why he became that proud?
3) Why he was punished?
4) Whose son was Tantalus?
5) Where did the phrase "tortures of Tantalus" come from?
6) Where a bunch of fruits was hang?
7) Why the water went away?