1. a c _ _ _ _ friend is someone you love and trust
2. the c _ _ _ _ _ _ is the area with trees, flowers and animals outside a town or city
3. if you s _ _ _ _ a room, you use it with other people
4. when you talk to your friend on the internet you c _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ with them
5. an o _ _ _ child doesn't have brothers or sisters
, вставьте буквы
My younger brother has been borrowing my laptop without asking for my permission. (Мой младший брат берет мой ноутбук, не спрашивая у меня разрешения.)
He has broken my favourite mug but hasn't apologized. (Он разбил мою любимую кружку, но не извинился.)
He has eaten a bar of chocolate that I bought yesterday. (Он съел плитку шоколада, которую я вчера купил(а).)
He has worn my denim jacket several times. (Он несколько раз надевал/носил мою джинсовую куртку.)
I have been trying to do my homework but he has turned up the radio and has been listening to music! (Я пытаюсь делать уроки, а он включил погромче радио и слушает музыку!)
And to top it all, he hasn't been helping me with household chores. (И в довершение всего, он не мне по дому.)