I was playing a computer game when my mum came home. I was doing my homework yesterday at 5 I was having a bath when my friend called me I was reading a book while my father was reading a newspaper I was doing my homework while my mother was cooking dinner I was sleeping while my parents were watching TV I was going shopping when I ran into my friend I was listening to music when my sister came into my room I was having lunch while my mother was washing the dishes I was watering the flowers while my cat was eating its meal.
Хоббиты не жили в зданиях, они жили в отверстиях. Хоббит жил в отверстии в горе. Это не была кровать, неудобное отверстие, не отверстие ни с чем, чтобы сидеть на или поесть на. Это было отверстие хоббита, и хоббит любил комфорт. У отверстия была круглая дверь. Дверь открылась в комнату как тоннель: очень удобная комната. На полу были ковры; были удобные стулья и место для шляп и курток. Было много небольших дверей в комнате. Там были не наверху: спальни, ванные, платяные шкафы (у него были целые комнаты для одежды), кухни, столовые, все были на том же самом полу. Лучшие комнаты были всеми слева. только в этих комнатах были окна
English traditions are manifested in restraint as a sign of respect for their interlocutor2Traditional English breakfast consists of a set of products that has not changed for centuries. The breakfast consists of fried sausages, fried bacon, eggs, tomatoes, fried champignons, beans in tomato sauce, toasted toast. All products are stacked on a large plate. As a drink, tea with milk, coffee and orange juice are served.3 But before we go to dinner, the English have an interesting tradition. I need to change before dinner. For dinner in England, it is accepted to change clothes, it is unacceptable to be present in something solemn, clothes can be simple.
I was doing my homework yesterday at 5
I was having a bath when my friend called me
I was reading a book while my father was reading a newspaper
I was doing my homework while my mother was cooking dinner
I was sleeping while my parents were watching TV
I was going shopping when I ran into my friend
I was listening to music when my sister came into my room
I was having lunch while my mother was washing the dishes
I was watering the flowers while my cat was eating its meal.