1. Cheap - cheaper - cheapest. This book is cheapest in the shop.
2. Strong - stronger - strongest. He is stronger than you.
3. Important - more important- most important. Family more important than work
4. Modern - more modern-most modern. I am more modern than you.
5. Long - longer - longest. Rapunzel has longest hairs in the world.
6. Bad - worse - worst . He is worst boy in the class.
7. Good - better - best. She is best mother in the world.
8. Dangerous - more dangerous - most dangerous. Get two mark more dangerous than ghost.
9. Enjoyable - more enjoyable - most enjoyable. It is most enjoyable video.
10. Old - older - oldest. My granny oldest member of our family.
Farmers in the USA grow different crops. - Фермеры в США выращивают различные культуры.
The USA stretches from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. - США простираются от Тихого океана до Атлантического океана.
The county’s population is 200 million people. - Население округа составляет 200 миллионов человек.
Farmers, crops - признак множественного числа имени существительного;
stretches - показатель 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Simple;
county’s - показатель притяжательного падежа имени существительного.
2.My mother cooks and deliciously tastes our family
3.My dad helps me with difficult lessons
4.My grandmother knits me and my brother (sister) a warm soft and very nice scarf
5.My grandfather is a good master and very well makes different wooden boxes