Анна Ахматова (23 июня [ OS 11 июня ] 1889 - 5 марта , 1966) был псевдоним Анны Андреевны Горенко , лидер и сердце и душа Санкт-Петербурга традиции русской поэзии в ходе полувека . Работа Ахматовой колеблется от коротких лирических стихотворений , чтобы всеобщими , гениально структурированных циклов , таких как Реквием ( 1935-40 ) , ее трагической шедевр на сталинского террора . Ее работа рассматривает целый ряд вопросов, включая время и память , судьбе творческих женщин , и о трудностях жизни и письменной форме в тени сталинизма . Ранние годы Ахматова родилась в Большом Фонтане под Одессой . Ее детство , кажется, не был счастлив ; ее родители развелись в 1905 году она получила образование в Киеве , Царском Селе , и Смольном институте Санкт-Петербурга . Анна начала писать стихи в возрасте 11 , вдохновленный ее любимых поэтов: Расина , Пушкина, и Баратынского . Как ее отец не хотите видеть стихи , напечатанные под его " респектабельной " имя , она должна была принять фамилию одного из своих татарских предков как псевдонимом .Anna Akhmatova (June 23 [O.S. June 11] 1889 — March 5, 1966) was the pen name of Anna Andreevna Gorenko, the leader and the heart and soul of St Petersburg tradition of Russian poetry in the course of half a century.Akhmatova's work ranges from short lyric poems to universalized, ingeniously structured cycles, such as Requiem (1935-40), her tragic masterpiece on the Stalinist terror. Her work addresses a variety of themes including time and memory, the fate of creative women, and the difficulties of living and writing in the shadow of Stalinism.Early lifeAkhmatova was born in Bolshoy Fontan near Odessa. Her childhood does not appear to have been happy; her parents separated in 1905. She was educated in Kiev, Tsarskoe Selo, and the Smolny Institute of St Petersburg. Anna started writing poetry at the age of 11, inspired by her favourite poets: Racine, Pushkin, and Baratynsky. As her father did not want to see any verses printed under his "respectable" name, she had to adopt the surname of one of her Tatar ancestors as a pseudonym.
1. my parents were surprised to see me at home. I HAD WARNED them about my visit but,naturally, they were glad to see me anyway (warn)2. by theevening it became clear that jack and his friends were lost in the taiga. Unfortunately they HADN'T TOLD anybody about their camping route and the emergency workers didn't know where to search for them (tell)3.The people of the village could smell smoke but they didn't realize that they were in danger. For some reason the radio HADN'T BROADCAST anything about the coming forest fire by the next morning (broadcast)4. The emergency workers did everything they could to save the people. They worried as the helicopter HADN'T ARRIVED yet and some people needed medical care urhently. (arrive)5. It was getting late and l was still far from home. I felt uneasy because l HADN'T LEFT a note for mum - she would worry a lot. (leave)