I leave my house and turn left. I go past my neighbors' house to the pedestrian crossing and here I cross the road. Next, I go right past the bank and a small park. There are no cars or buses here. It is a pedestrian zone. At last I turn to the right and enter my school yard.
Я выхожу из моего дома и сворачиваю налево. Иду мимо дома моих соседей до пешеходного перехода и перехожу дорогу. Далее я иду прямо мимо банка и маленького парка. Здесь нет машин или автобусов. Это пешеходная зона. Наконец, я поворачиваю направо и вхожу в школьный двор.
1. Mammals rarely live in the trees (редко). 2. Boxes are often made of cardboard (часто). 3. One can hardly see this wonderful bird (почти не, едва ли). It has become almost extinct. 4. You can usually find the most interesting species of animals in zoological gardens (обычно). 5. When people sometimes ruin natural habitats (время от времени), birds and animals always leave them (всегда). 6. We often say "birds and animals" forgetting that birds are also animals (часто). 7. It is sometimes difficult to cure this disease (иногда). 8. In this part of the country it harly ever rains in summer (едва ли, почти не). 9. People seldom keep reptiles as pets (редко). 10. You can sometimes see swans on the ponds in our cities (время от времени).