my most beautiful day of summer was this. I woke up, ate, got on my bike and went to a friend's place. we were sitting at his house and we decided to go for a ride. we bought a drink and went very far. we ended up in a field of sunflowers. it was very beautiful. my friend noticed dogs screaming nearby. they were small and there were many. my friend and I quickly left. at that moment it was scary and fun. then we saw concrete slabs. we sat down, drank and ate. we saw a tree with pears. they were very sweet. then we played at a friend's house on the computer and went home.
можешь отметить лучшим ответом?)
-дієслова, що виражають наші почуття, наприклад, що нам подобається чи навпаки: like, love, hate, dislike, enjoy, prefer, want, adore, despise, doubt, feel, agree, disagree та ін.
-дієслова, що описують ментальні стани, пізнавальні психічні процеси: believe, know, notice, remember, forget, recognize, understand, realize, seem, think, suspect, imagine та ін.
-дієслова, що описують відчуття: see, hear, feel, taste, look, smell, sound
-дієслова, що означають володіння чимось: have, contain, include, belong, possess, own
-інші дієслова: be, fit, mater, need, cost, owe, mean, appear, weigh, involve, consist.
My brother is older than me
Those computers are smaller than these computers
My team is better than yours team
Motorbikes are noisier than cars