амер. |bɪˈleɪtɪd| брит. |bɪˈleɪtɪd| А вообще , хочу посоветовать сайт WooordHunt ( сама им часто пользуюсь), там можно прослушать как произноситься то или иное слово, посмотреть транскрипцию и варианты перевода )
Rainbow --- this magnificent beautiful phenomenon that has long struck the imagination of lyudey.Glyadya the rainbow, wants to believe in miracles. It has a shape of an arc drawn from the spectrum of colors --- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, fioletovyy.Vnutri arc usually located violet, and red on the outside ---. Most often, a rainbow is visible is not very clear, so it rasmotret seven colors is almost impossible. For example Bulgarians believe that in a rainbow of colors 6. Rainbow arises due to the refraction of the sunlight in the water droplets. Drops bowed raznhyh light colors at different angles.
1. She will tell you if you ask her about it. 2. She won't tell you if you don t ask her about it. 3. She tells me that nothing will be prepared. 4. I'm not sure at all (when she is going to come back. 5. I will stay here while he comes back. 6. I wonder when you will be ready. 7. I'll tell her about it as soon as i 'm asked 8. Read this letter to me while i ll be eating 9. I wonder whether she 'll like this book . 10. Wait while he 'll come. 11. I don't know when the concert will be finished. 12. Keep doing the good job while you won't achieve the main result. Nobody knows when the theater will come back from tour .14.I don't recommend you to talk to him till he approves it . 15. Не won't take any steps while his boss doesn' t come back.