Напишите так что я смогла читать 30 . вот calculator-калькулятор, tabiet-планшет, headphones-наушники, mp3 player-муз плеер, webcam-камера, pen drive-флешка, charдer-зарядка.
Сообщение сделано в форме e-mail. Hi, Tonny! How are you? (Apologize for losing a book) - 1 часть Sorry, but I have a bad news for you. I lost your favourite book yesterday evening. It happened accidentally, I am sure. (Explain how it happened) - 2 часть I walked down in the park. And it was so cold that I decided to get my jacket out of my bag. My jacket was the very bottom of my bag. I laid all my things out (and your book too) and then forgot to get it back there. (Suggest buying a new book) - 3 часть I am feeling myself very stupid now. Tell me please can I buy you the same book? I will try to find it. Waiting your answer, Jack.
Учиться learn - learnt learnt Становиться become - became - become Уже already Быть be - was/were - been Хорошо well Падать fall -fell - fallen В углу in the corner Давать give - gave - given Возле near, at Класть, ставить put - put -put Видеть see -saw - seen Слышать hear - heard - heard Молодой young Учиться, узнавать learn - learnt - learnt Многоэтажка - tower-block Делать, создавать make - made -made Библиотекарь - librarian Терять lose -lost - lost Звонить ring - rang - rung Побеждать, выигрывать win -won -won Быть занятым be busy Петь sing -sang - sung Делать ошибку make a mistake Стоять stand - stood - stood Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам: We write a lot of sentences on the blackboard. (5) 1. Who writes a lot of sentences on the blackboard? 2. Do you write a lot of sentences on the blackboard? 3. Do you write sentences on the blackboard or in your notebooks? 4. What do you write on the blackboard? 5. We write a lot of sentences on the blackboard, don't we? She is reading a newspaper now. (3) 1. Who is reading a newspaper now? 2. what is she reading? 3. what is she doing now? I spent four hours a day on my English before the examination last year? (4) 1. Who spent four hours a day on English? 2. What did you do before the exam? 3. When did you spend four hours a day on English?
tablet - таблэт
headphones - хэдфонс
MP3 player - эмписри плеер
webcam - вэбкам
pen-drive - пэн-драйв
charger - чарджер
Вполне возможно, что я неправильно поняла задание.