30 составить рассказ опираясь на вопросы: who's in your immediate/extended family? how do you get on with your family members? what family cultural traditions are there in your country? what is important in your family? what does family mean to you?
My family is big and i have mom dad and my sister in it! My family is friendly and we love each other. We have got a tradition to cook something good on sundays.In our family it is important to listen to each other. My family means a lot for me!
Agrowing number of people think that animals are not to be exploited by people and they should have certain rights. although, there are still some people, who believe that people have the rights to employ animals in order to satisfy their needs, for example, to use them for food or medical research. opinions differ on this issue. most humans think that they are more important on this planet, so to survive they conduct experiments on animals. in my opinion, it is wrong. animals have appeared on this planet just as any other living creature, so they should be treated equally. they also have feelings and they can feel the pain just like people. almost all animal are capable of loving. irrespective of being a bird or a mammal, when animals are loved by people, they can return this love in many ways. thus, it is unfair to ignore their importance. the only difference between animals and human beings is that they cannot speak and express their feelings through words. when domesticated and treated properly, animals are of great help to people. there were times when carriages were pulled by horses, sheep herded by dogs. however, things have changed with the development of science and new technologies. starting from the 20th century, animals are mostly regarded as the source of food and research. they are being tortured to save people from deathly diseases. luckily, there are such organizations as world society for the protection of animals, which try to protect the animals around the globe. their main mission is exposing cruelty and pioneering sustainable methods to avoid animal suffering.
Sally: Mike, do you often go to fast food restaurants? Mike: No, I don't. I find eating fast food harmful and I never do it. Sally: I know it's really harmful, but I can't help eating hamburgers. They're so delicious! Mike: Yuk! Fresh vebetables are more delicious and, in addition, they are helpful. Sally: I agree with you. Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Mike: Yes, I do. It seems to me important. Sally: What exactly do you do? Mike: Oh, I have yoga classes two times a week and, besides, I go cycling every evening. As a result, I'm in a good shape. Sally: I wish I were as fit as you are.