Перевод :У меня был друг которого звали Петя . Мы с ним дружились с самого детского сада . Мы любили играть с ним в догонялки. Мы всегда бегали , прыгали и играли в прятки . После садика мы всегда ходили с мамами на игровую площадку . Петя был курносым .Он был кучерявыми блондином. Мы с ним всегда улыбались смотря друг на друга . Но один раз он заболел и пришлось у ехать в другую страну и больше я его не видел .
сам текст: I had a friend whose name was Peter . We be friends since kindergarten . We loved to play tag with it. We always ran , jumped and played hide and seek . After kindergarten we always went with their mothers to the Playground . Peter was a snub .He was curly blonde. We always smiled looking at each other . But once he got sick and had to go to another country and I did not see him .
There is my childhood friend and with him played together in a kindergarten to school went together. When someone offended him for tupalsya and he himself received but the main thing. He was okay and so was with me. And were you do not split the water and how the brothers whom he had left for the summer with was bored, he was understood by the only other and when they moved abroad. I then cried every day. I had no one to play with. And it was painful and lonely. I always wrote a letter to a friend.
Kate likes to live in Bristol.