Коли я стану старшим, я хочу написати Гамлета a зробити bwrite (cdirect) d створити 1 Toften в кіно з моїм братом і сестрою a win b побачити cgo d подивитися 2 наш шкільний хор ніколи не для дуже великої аудиторії a виступає в автобусах c бере d пише 3 Іноді бере участь у драматичних та акторських конкурсах a play b take cbreak dwin 4 Мій улюблений актор завжди модний одяг. a спрямовує b бере c грає d носить 5 loften мої друзі сміються, коли ми в школі. a грати b зробити csay d взяти 6 I іноді DVD-диски в будинку друга після школи. a дивитися b писати cрозрив d використовувати 1.*** Доповніть текст дієсловами в минулому простому. навчайся аспірантуру наживо
It's a hard question for me because I think it's pointless to take someone else's role, even for a one day. In my opinion, it may lead to negative consequenses. I can't imagine living with thought that everything has changed for another person due to my curiosity. So, if I could become someone else for a one day, I wouldn't choose someone famous or someone who has a lot of money. Some people would do that just to see what the "real life" is, but I believe that all people already have their own real life, and it's not right to want to be someone else, even for some time. I'd rather leave everything as it is, but if it was really needy for me to make a decision, it would be someone who knows much more than other people. I don't know who it exactly is, but I feel like it would be an old man whose experience and knowledge are needy to discover something new.
2. Yes! I was watching some ice skaters on TV when he knocked on the door.
3. When the show ended, we had a delicious dinner.
4. And while we were eating, Jason asked me to marry him!