What do you read about Christmas? Стаття про бокс у Стародавньому Римі In ancient Rome, there were two kinds of boxing and both are derived from Etruscan tradition. Around Rome was a popular folk "box", but also there and gladiatorial combat version. Participants in these fights were mostly criminals and slaves who hoped to win freedom, but sometimes fought free men, aristocrats and even women. Gladiators fought in the original gloves, sometimes with spines. Popularity fisticuffs led to the fact that even emperors started to take part in them, the first of them was Nero. In 393, the Roman emperor Theodosius banned the insistence of the clergy to hold the Olympics because they were considered pagan celebration, and 500 by Theodoric the Great prohibited boxing, a sport that offends God as a symbol of God, a person subjected to shock. However, this decree is not much impact on sporting life cities that were outside of the Eastern Empire. By that time, Western Europe is no longer a part of the Roman Empire, and then boxing remained popular throughout the Middle Ages and later. It should be noted that fighting, fencing and racing chariot never fell under the ban.
I bought some furniture yesterday.They celebrated Christmas last year.Past Simple He was buying some food from 3 till 4 yesterday. We were celebrating my birthday the whole day yesterday.Past Continuous He had bought some new furniture by 3 o'clock.He hadn't celebrated Halloween by the evening. Past Perfect. We buy milk every day. They celebrate Mother's Day every spring.Present Simple I am buying bananas right now. What are you celebrating at the moment? Present Continuous I have just bought a new hat. He has never celebrated it. Present Perfect He will buy an apartment next year. I will celebrate New Year next winter.Future Simple He will be buying a bike at this time next week. We will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day this time next autumn.Future Continuous You will have bought a new book. He will have celebrated it.Future Perfect