1.Your mother’s Mum is your grandmother 2.Your father’s Dad is your granddad 3.Your Granny’s Mum is your great-grandmother4.Your Granny’s Dad is your great grandfather5.Your sister’s daughter is your niece6.Your sister’s son is your nephew 7.Your daughter’s son is yourgrandson8.Your son’s daughter is your granddaughter9.Your uncle’s children are your nephews10.Your grandmother’s son is your or your uncle 11.Your grandmother’s daughter is your or your aunt 12.If you marry someone it is your or your groom bride13.Your Dad’s parents are your great-grandfather, great-grandmother
1. Are many research centres and units established within and in association with the University? Общий Are many or few research centres and units established within and in association with the University? Альтернативный What is established within and in association with the University? Вопрос к подлежащему How many research centres and units are established within and in association with the University? Специальный Many research centres and units are established within and in association with the University,aren’t they? Разделительный
2 The students come from some 90 countries around the world,don’t they ? Разделительный Do the students come from some 90 countries around the world? Общий Who comes from some 90 countries around the world? Вопрос к подлежащему Do the students come from some 80 or 90 countries around the world? Альтернативный Where do the students come from? Специальный