I have talked to my mother over the phone. – Я поговорила с моей мамой по телефону.
Sam has visited his close friends. – Сэм навестил его близких друзей.
Mary has entered the institute. – Мэри поступила в институт.
The dog has eaten all its food. – Собака съела всю свою еду.
We have seen this film already. – Мы уже видели этот фильм.
You have painted a wonderful picture! – Вы нарисовали чудесную картину!
They have left the building. – Они покинули здание.
I have just had breakfast with my family. She hasn't eaten at this restaurant yet. My mother has already gone on vacation.
We have not been to Australia Мы не были в Австралии
He has not started Он не начал
They have not made the project Они не сделали проект
She has not decided Она не решила
I have not been to Washington Я не был в Вашингтоне
Jennifer has not told us Дженнифер не сказала нам
Adam has’t seen his house for 10 years Адам не видел свой дом 10 лет
A red plane has not arrived at the airport yet Красный самолет еще не прибыл в аэропорт
We haven't bought a new couch Мы не купили новый диван
I haven't said that she's moving back Я не говорил, что она переезжает обратно
We have done the task Мы выполнили задачу
I have never seen anything like that Я никогда не видел ничего подобного
She has got a job Она устроилась на работу
He has never met Bob Dylan Он никогда не встречал Боба Дилана
They have taken a different area Они заняли другую область
1. A lot of rice is eaten in Asia.
2. Lions and tiger can be seen in the zoo.
3. This house was constructed many years ago.
4. These books will be published next year.
5. The work had been done by the time Nick came home.
6. Look! A new bridge is being built in this district.
7. Sorry, the car has just been sold.
8. A new picture will have been painted by this artist by the beginning of the year.
9. Our class will be taught by another teacher next year.
10. I couldn't use my bike last week, it was repaired.
Gavin and his family usually (live) in a village in Wales, but at the moment he (stay) with his aunt in Guildford. His mum and dad (travel) a lot for their work and they (help) cocoa