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26.12.2020 22:06 •  Английский язык

Переведите текст: kirov is a large city in russia, administrative center of kirov oblast. the city forms an independent municipality with the status of urban district. the city lies on the river vyatka, in 896 km from moscow towards the north-east and is one of the oldest cities of russia. the year of its foundation is considered the year 1374. for nearly two hundred years the town was named khlynov, then in 1780 was again renamed to vyatka, and its present name was given in 1934. since ancient times the city was known as a local center of crafts and trade. the economic basis before the revolution, on the vyatka land was the production of agricultural products and their processing. a significant contribution to the economic potential of the vyatka was made of fine leather, candle, fur-sheepskin, match the production, paper production. in 2012 the city of kirov awarded the honorary title of the kirov region "the city of labour glory". kirov is a large industrial, transport and cultural center. through it pass the main railway connecting the north-west and centre with the urals, siberia and the far east, and northern regions of the country. enterprises located on the territory of municipal formation "kirov city", known in russia and abroad the products of the aircraft industry, woodworking industry, machinery, building, light and food industries. developed the production of handicrafts: the famous dymkovo toy, souvenirs from kapoloma, bark. kirov — developed cultural centre with a wide network of higher educational institutions, three theatres, numerous museums and libraries. a wide network of hotels with the highest level of service. the charter of the municipality "city of kirov" adopted by the decision of the kirov municipal duma from 29.06.2005 № 42/19 and registered by the government of the kirov region on the basis of an order dated 31.08.2005 no. 172-ol with the entry in the register of charters of municipal formations of kirov oblast no. 41. the coat of arms of the municipal formation "kirov city", approved by decision of the kirov municipal duma from 27.08.2008 no. 19/4, submitted to the state heraldic register of the russian federation with assignment of registration number 4321. this is the historical coat of arms of the city of vyatka, the highest approved may 28, 1781 the empress catherine ii. the composition of the municipal formation "kirov city" includes the city of kirov and 134 rural settlements. the territory within the city limits is divided into 4 districts: leninsky, oktyabrsky, pervomaysky and novovyatskiy

Kirov is a large city in Russia, administrative center of Kirov oblast. The city forms an independent municipality with the status of urban district. The city lies on the river Vyatka, in 896 km from Moscow towards the North-East and is one of the oldest cities of Russia. The year of its Foundation is considered the year 1374. For nearly two hundred years the town was named Khlynov, then in 1780 was again renamed to Vyatka, and its present name was given in 1934. Since ancient times the city was known as a local center of crafts and trade. The economic basis before the revolution, on the Vyatka land was the production of agricultural products and their processing. A significant contribution to the economic potential of the Vyatka was made of fine leather, candle, fur-sheepskin, match the production, paper production. In 2012 the city of Kirov awarded the honorary title of the Kirov region "the City of labour glory". Kirov is a large industrial, transport and cultural center. Through it pass the main railway connecting the North-West and Centre with the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, and Northern regions of the country. Enterprises located on the territory of municipal formation "Kirov City", known in Russia and abroad the products of the aircraft industry, woodworking industry, machinery, building, light and food industries. Developed the production of Handicrafts: the famous Dymkovo toy, Souvenirs from kapoloma, bark. Kirov — developed cultural centre with a wide network of higher educational institutions, three theatres, numerous museums and libraries. A wide network of hotels with the highest level of service. The Charter of the municipality "City of Kirov" adopted by the decision of the Kirov municipal Duma from 29.06.2005 № 42/19 and registered by the Government of the Kirov region on the basis of an order dated 31.08.2005 No. 172-ol with the entry in the Register of charters of municipal formations of Kirov oblast No. 41. The coat of arms of the municipal formation "Kirov City", approved by decision of the Kirov municipal Duma from 27.08.2008 No. 19/4, submitted to the State heraldic register of the Russian Federation with assignment of registration number 4321. This is the historical coat of arms of the city of Vyatka, the highest approved may 28, 1781 the Empress Catherine II. The composition of the municipal formation "Kirov City" includes the city of Kirov and 134 rural settlements. The territory within the city limits is divided into 4 districts: Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaysky and Novovyatskiy
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Киров - крупный город России, административный центр Кировской области. Город является независимым муниципалитетом со статусом городского округа. Город находится на реке Вятка, в 896 км от Москвы на северо-восток и является одним из старейших городов России. Год его основания считается годом 1374. В течение почти двухсот лет город был назван Хлыновым, затем в 1780 году снова был переименован в Вятку, и его настоящее название было дано в 1934 году. С древних времен город был известен как местный центр ремесел и торговли. Экономическая основа до революции на Вятской земле - производство сельскохозяйственной продукции и ее переработка. Значительный вклад в экономический потенциал Вятки был сделан из тонкой кожи, свечи, меховой овчины, соответствовал производству, производству бумаги. В 2012 году город Киров удостоен почетного звания Кировской области «Город трудовой славы». Киров - крупный промышленный, транспортный и культурный центр. Через него проходит главная железная дорога, соединяющая Северо-Запад и Центр с Уралом, Сибирью и Дальним Востоком, и северными регионами страны. Предприятия, расположенные на территории муниципального образования «Город Киров», известны в России и за рубежом продуктами авиационной промышленности, деревообрабатывающей промышленности, машиностроения, строительства, легкой и пищевой промышленности. Разработал производство ремесел: знаменитая игрушка Дымковская, сувениры из каполомы, коры. Киров - развитый культурный центр с широкой сетью высших учебных заведений, три театра, многочисленные музеи и библиотеки. Широкая сеть отелей с самым высоким уровнем обслуживания. Устав муниципалитета «Город Киров», принятый постановлением Кировской городской Думы от 29.06.2005 № 42/19 и зарегистрированный Правительством Кировской области на основании распоряжения от 31.08.2005 № 172- ол с внесением в Реестр уставов муниципальных образований Кировской области № 41. Герб муниципального образования «Город Киров», утвержденный решением Кировской городской Думы от 27.08.2008 № 19/4, представленный в Государственный геральдический реестр Российской Федерации с присвоением регистрационного номера 4321. Это исторический герб города Вятки, самый высокий утвержденный 28 мая 1781 года императрица Екатерина II. В состав муниципального образования «Город Киров» входят город Киров и 134 сельских поселения. Территория в черте города разделена на 4 района: Ленинский, Октябрьский, Первомайский и Нововяцкий
4,7(4 оценок)
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1) I can't help but think about it all the time.
2) I insist on going there.
3) Mother objected to the fact that I stay up late.
4) he was arrested because the police suspect he is a terrorist.
5) do you mind if I smoke in this room?
6) I approve of you helping grandma.
7) I'm thinking of going to Australia.
8) He quit playing football since he got sick.
9) He was afraid he'd be forgotten.
10) Continue reading.
11) No one approves of gambling. Anyone who likes to gamble should (have to) be prepared to lose money.
12) bad weather prevented us from going out of town.
13) Prices continue to rise.
14) I look forward to hearing from my son.
15) you depend on its aid in this difficult situation.
16) the Rain had just stopped (ran out, went)
4,6(73 оценок)
1. She complains that he is too rarely calls her on the phone. 2. Stop crying. 3. My little brother did not let me do my homework. 4. Do you mind if I come a little later? 5. Keep writing. 6. Pope opposed that I went to the theater with her. 7. I can not help but laugh when I look at you. 8. I insist, to help her. 9. He denied that he broke a vase. 10. She is afraid of losing your wallet. 11. I do not approve of what you are spending so much time in vain. 12. She complained that all the time busy.
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