I was hurrying ... (Past Continuous)
... they met us at the port. (Past Simple)
... because I am going to watch (Present Continuous (также используется в значении будущего времени -- Я пойду смотреть моё любимое шоу)
... father was repairing a tape-recorder. (Past Continuous)
They will be learning some new ... (Future Continuous)
... they sit at the table (Past Simple уже есть в предложении времени, поэтому второй раз пишется Present Simple)
Brian trains to be ... (Past Simple, Брайан тренируется (имеется в виду некоторый длительный отрезок времени, а не конкретно сейчас)
Whom were you calling when I saw you (Past Continuous)
... I will stay at the Hilton ...
I was driving along ...
... principal will go to deliver ...
... he will be making the experiments ...
My Birthday is wonderful day for me!
I was born on the 9th of January. Birthday is a very remarkable day for me. In the morning my parents come to my place and say: "Happy Birthday!"
They give me presents. I enjoy getting them. Most people have a birthday party on this day.
This year I have my birthday party at home. My parents and I prepared for this day. We invited my friends and relatives to the party.
I celebrated my birthday on Sunday. I got up early in the morning. My father and I went to the shop and to the market to buy everything we needed for the party.
My mother stayed at home. She made cakes and laid the table. At four o'clock my relatives and friends came to congratulate me and I was glad to see them. They brought flowers, books, sweets and presents. I thanked them all.
We had a good holiday dinner on this day. During our merry party we sang songs, danced, made jokes and spoke about our life, hobbies, and future.
I enjoyed my birthday party.