The present continuous tense
Форма: глагол to be в личной форме (am, is, are) и причастие настоящего времени от смыслового глагола.
1. Действие в данный момент времени. Кроме глаголов не действия: чувств - like, love, prefer, hate; восприятий - feel, understand, agree, know, seem, sound, taste; состояния души - want, wish, need, состояния вещей - belong, contain, include, possess, owe, own.
2. Действие в текущем отрезке времени. He is learning French this year.
3. Будущие запланированные действия. I am buying a computer tomorrow.
4. При уверенности, что действие должно произойти в будущем. The ship is sailing at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
5. Процесс в придаточных предложениях. If I am sleeping when he comes, wake me up.
6. Критически воспринимаемые постоянные действия. He is always getting into trouble.
7. Выражение be going to.
a) Собираться, намереваться. I am going to buy a new car.
b) Похоже, что. It is going to rain.
c) Может произойти. You are going to be fined.
d) Предстоит. He is going to receive a Nobel prize.
These stars are just as beautiful as you are
This box is as heavy as that one
The letter is as intriguing as the previous ones
The sky is as bright as in the morning
This street is as beautiful as the one