1.Did you believe my story ?
-Yes , I did . I believed your story
2.Did we play a game of tennis (можно просто tennis) ?
-No , we didn't . We played football
3.Did they start their project ?
- Yes , they did . They started their project
4.Did he discuss that problem with his lawyer (lawyer - адвокат , юрист , читается -лоер)?
-No , he didn't . They didn't discuss that problem
5.Did Mark finish his work yesterday?
-Yes , he did . Mark finished his work yesterday.
6.Did Sandra do the shopping last week?
Yes, she did . Sandra did the shopping last week (в этом предложении did не выступает как вс глагол, если будем разбирать члены предложения, то получится так: Sandra (подлежащее ) , did the shopping (сказуемое)
7.Did you phone me yesterday?
-No , i didn't . I didn't phone you yesterday
8. Did Nika find any information in the Internet?
- Yes , she did . Nika found (find-found-found , будем использовать вторую форму) some information in the Internet.
9.Did she see this picture ?
-No , she didn't . She didn't see this picture.
(если бы мы отвечали на этот вопрос да , то мы бы использовали вторую форму (see-saw-seen))
10.Did we read (читаем -рид)this text ?
-Yes , we did . We read this text ( в этом случае читаем рэд , т.к. нужно использовать вторую форму read read read , хоть и пишутся все три формы одинаково , читаются они так рид рэд рэд
what does she do at the morning
what is her hobby
What does she eat
What does she do at the evening
when does she go to bed