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По языку 8 класс, ! нужно вставить в пропуски 12.) write what is missing in the text. the states. 1) the the fourth largest country in the world stretching from the in the east to the . 2) it is situated in . 3) it borders on the north and on the south. 4) there are a lot of mountains in the usa. the highest and largest are the the west. 5) the in the east, they are lower and older. 6) the mighty the longest river in the usa. some other rivers flow into it. 7) the in the north of the usa are very deep. the is the largest and the is the smallest. 8) the capital of the usa. it is situated on the .

1) USA, Atlantic, Pacific Ocean
2) North
3) Canada, Mexico
4) Cordilleras
5) Appalachian Mountains
6)  Mississippi 
7)  Great, The Michigan, the Ontario 
8) Washington, Potomac
4,6(83 оценок)
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My room is small but very comfortable. I am very happy and comfortable here, as have all that I need. Room square shape, very bright, because a large window facing south.
Before the window is a table with a lace table lamp beside her - stand for pens and pencils. In a drawer I keep notebooks and other school items. At the table - the chair on which I sit, when doing homework.
Near the right wall next to the desk - a bookshelf with my favorite books and textbooks. Next - wardrobe.
On the other side of the window located my sports area - the Swedish wall bar, where you can catch up to train your hands and skin Boxing "pear". Here I am doing morning exercises.
At the same wall is my bed, or rather spread out sofa. When friends come to me, it can make, so it was comfortable to sit. On the wall above the sofa hangs a small carpet. Bed linen is stored in the chest that stands in the corner. On my dresser sitting soft furry friends: bear, bunny and dog with one ear. On the wall above the chest of drawers - some of my drawings.
On the floor lay a carpet of gray-green color. Wallpaper on the walls of the rooms are light green, light wood furniture. Here such at me in a room interior.
ПЕРЕВОД:Моя комната небольшая, но очень уютная. Мне очень приятно и удобно здесь, ибо иметься все, что мне необходимо. Комната квадратной формы, очень светлая, потому что большое окно выходит к югу.
Перед окном стоит стол тесьмы с настольной лампой, рядом с ней - подставка для ручек и карандашей. В ящиках стола я сохраняю тетради и другие школьные вещи. Возле стола - стул, на котором я сижу, когда делаю домашнее задание.
Около правой стены рядом со столом - книжные полки с моими любимыми книжками и школьными учебниками. Дальше - шкаф для одежды.
С другой стороны окна расположенный мой спортивный уголок - шведская стена, перекладина, на которой можно подтягиваться, чтобы тренировать руки, а также кожная боксерская "груша". Здесь я делаю утреннюю зарядку.
У этой же стены стоит моя кровать, точнее, разложенный диван. Когда ко мне приходят друзья, его можно составить, чтоб было удобно сидеть. На стене над диваном висит небольшой ковер. Постельное белье сохраняется в комоде, что стоит в углу. На комоде сидят мои пушистые мягкие друзья: мишка, заяц и собака с одним ухом. На стене над комодом - несколько моих рисунков.
На полу лежит ковер серо-зеленого цвета. Обои на стенах комнаты светло-зелёные, мебель из светлого дерева. Вот такой у меня в комнате интерьер.
4,6(80 оценок)
Hello ! How nice it was to receive from you new letter — I read it a few times in a row. You actually gave collie Puppy? That's great! What did you call it? How do you treat it? Unfortunately, my parents strongly disagree keep in the house a cat or dog because they are afraid of wool, damaged furniture and Wallpaper. And I think that the animal must be — after all, how much joy, warmth and love brings it all home! I want to tell you that I started attending a circle macrame at our club. It turns out that weaving dates back to ancient seafaring craft — knitting knots. The rope can be painted in different color and weave of her toys, ornaments, planters, handbags and even clothing. I already figured out what gifts will make all for the New year. Latest news: in our class there is a new girl with an old Russian name Arina — gymnast from circus. She has an amazing braid to his knees. It is surprisingly sociable, she made friends immediately, as if were together for eight years, and not only a week. At its invitation, we whole class went to the circus. Arina were amazing, I got the impression that it may meet in any figure, so it is flexible. It is a pity that after a few months it will go to a new town on tour, the circus is not in place. And in my school soon will be traditional ballroom dancing competition, and now almost my entire class disappears during rehearsals. Many of our girls from the first class go to the dance, so the waltz, and Samba we set ourselves. At first she was afraid not to find the right partners, because Samba is very catchy and energetic dance, but our boys did not disappoint us. So have all the chances to win! Anya imagine, I only recently learned that in our house lives a very interesting woman — Anna Kovtun, a war veteran and known throughout the region craftswoman: she embroiders pictures. How amazing it turns out! When you look from afar, it seems that before you a piece of wildlife. Anna Ivanovna has repeatedly taken the first prizes at various exhibitions, and once even ran an article in the newspaper. My mother promised that in the summer again would get me a ticket to "Aistenok", and I go to camp. Finally we meet again! I have missed you so much! We are definitely going to swim in the lake, dance and sing songs under a guitar. And in the evenings to come up with a mysterious history. I even think that they are worth recording — if you ever release a book? What all can be (I know, you laugh now!). I wonder will we recognize each other in a year? Is there a big change? I look forward to your letter. Write, what is new in your life, what are your plans for the future. If possible, send me a photo of you and the puppy. Because probably already done a lot of interesting shots. On this finish. Prior to the meeting. Your friend.
4,4(26 оценок)
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