Ли́пецк — город (с 1779) в россии, административный центр липецкой области. является ядром крупнейшей российской агломерации со специализацией в сфере чёрной металлургии полного цикла[6], промышленный, агротехнологический и авиационный центр, курорт. население — 510 439 чел. (2017). расстояние до москвы 450 км, до воронежа — 132 км. липецк — один из крупнейших и второй по численности населения город в черноземье, пятый в центральном федеральном округе и тридцать шестой в россии. расположен на реке воронеж в лесостепной зоне на стыке возвышенности и окско-донской равнины. lipetsk is a city (since 1779) in russia, the administrative center of the lipetsk region. it is the core of the largest russian agglomeration with specialization in the field of ferrous metallurgy full cycle [6], industrial, agrotechnological and aviation center, resort. the population is 510 439 people. (2017). the distance to moscow is 450 km, to voronezh - 132 km. lipetsk is one of the largest and second largest cities in the black earth region, the fifth in the central federal district and the 36th in russia. located on the voronezh river in the forest-steppe zone at the junction of the central russian upland and the oka-don plain.
1. I have to work hard now because I was ill and I fell behind the group. 2. You'll have to talk to him in person./=(tete-a-tete) /(face to face) 3. We had to wait out the rain at the station. 4. I had to apologize, even though it was unpleasant for me. 5. The book must be rebound, otherwise some pages may be lost. 6. You have to get up very early, don't you? 7. He had to make a remark to you, didn't he? 8. He didn't have to take the entrance exams. 9. We didn't have to escort them /(=to see them off) to the hotel. They themselves knew the way very well. 10. The work will have to be done today. 11. He said you'd have to go there alone. 12. The whole page had to be reprinted because of one misprint. /(typo).
Business communication plays an important role in human life. The main objective of business communication is productive cooperation. The most important thing is to know how to communicate. Communication is necessary not only to present its point of view orally or in writing, but also to perceive other people's opinions. Just can not forget about the appearance, because it creates the first impression. For example, for an interview, you don't come in shorts, shirt and sneakers, because the employer will understand that you don't know the basics of business communication. If your life involves important work and especially work with people, you should wear classic outfits: white shirt, black skirt, and shoes. Ignorance of such important factors in business communication can lead to awkward situations. I advise you to study some aspects of business communication.