When asked to talk about themselves, some people, particularly men, become rather
(defend). Others become
(rest), unable to sit still or look at their inquisitor. Others, however, become extremely
(talk), delighted to have been given the opportunity to talk about themselves. Jenny falls into this latter category. One
(innocence) question about her health can result in half an hour’s in deep
(describe) of her backache or
(sleep) night. What’s more, you daren’t interrupt her for fear of
(offence) her legendary
(sense) and being described as a
(self) egotist with no interest in other people! I have now learned that all
(resist) is futile and one simply has to grin and bear it.
Заполните: есть, был или есть. Затем задавайте и отвечайте на вопросы, основанные на тексте. Йеллоустонский национальный парк 1)... находится в штате Вайоминг, США. Это 2)... известен тем, что является первым национальным парком в США. Это 3)... основана в 1872 году президентом Улиссом С. Грантом. Это 4)... поданы с удивительной дикой природой и прекрасными пейзажами. В 1988 году треть парка 5)... сгорела в лесных пожарах. Дикая природа там 6)... изучалась более 100 лет. Его 7)... посещают миллионы туристов каждый год.
2. Name your good qualities and disadvantages
3. What is your favorite color?
4. What is your favorite movie?
5. Favorite season of the year? Why?
6. Favorite season.
7. My favorite joke.
8. Who do you consider your friends?
9. What do you like to do?
10. Who do you want to be in the future?