1) Does he enjoy swimming, windsurfing, and diving? What does he enjoy to do? Who enjoys swimming, windsurfing, and diving? He enjoys swimming, windsurfing, and diving, doesn't he? Does he enjoy swimming, windsurfing and diving or reading?
2) Were millions of brightly coloured fish moving busily around him? How many brightly coloured fish were moving busily around him? Where were millions of brightly coloured fish moving busily? Millions of brightly coloured fish were moving busily around him, weren't they? Were millions or hundreds of brightly coloured fish moving busily around him?
Моё любимое блюдо - спагетти. Мама готовит спагетти каждое воскресенье. Папа не любит спагетти, потому что он любит острые блюда. Моя сестра говорит, что пюре вкуснее спагетти, я не согласен с ней. Мама начала готовить это блюдо 4 года назад, когда мы отмечали новый год. Тот день был воскресеньем, и у нас появилась традиция готовить спагетти каждое воскресенье.
My favourite dish is spaghetti. Mum cooks spaghetti every sunday. Dad doesnt like spaghetti because he likes spicy dishes. My sisters said that pure was better, but i wasnt agree with her. Mum started cook that dish four years ago, while we celebated New Year. Those day was sunday and we took a tradition to cook spaghetti every saturday.
2)Half past twelve
3)Twenty minutes to six
4)Half past six