1.Harry Potter grew up in the family of an uncle and aunt. About the fact that he was a wizard, Harry found out only at the age of 11, when he was enrolled in Hogwarts School of Wizardry.2 Aug. 2016
2.Hogwarts School
3.It looks like a horse with a human torso instead of a neck and head. Thus a centaur has one human head, two arms, two chests (I wonder how many hearts are there?), two stomachs, four horse legs, one set of urinary organs, and one tail.
4.Unicorn horn is a potion ingredient with strong magical powers. Pounded, it is used in the Antidote for Common Poisons, Clear Potion.
5.In mythology, the phoenix has a life span of 500 to 1000 years, and at the end of this, it builds a nest out of twigs that then ignite, consuming both bird and nest in flame. Once reduced to ashes, a baby phoenix is born, ready to follow the life cycle.
1) Some people believe that the humanity was brought to the Earth through space. According to this theory, powerful and mighty aliens created people as slaves to extract gold. It is supposed that those aliens have built pyramids and other magnificent buildings.
2) The scientific exploration of space began in 350 BC, when Aristotle began to share his thoughts and theories about vacuum and shapes of the planets. With Galileo’s invention of a telescope, it has become possible to observe space bodies, first of inner and later of outer space.
1) Некоторые люди полагают, что человечество было занесено на Землю через космическое пространство. Согласно этой теории, мощные и могучие инопланетяне создали людей как рабов для извлечения золота. Предполагается, что эти пришельцы построили пирамиды и другие величественные здания.
2) Научное освоение космоса началось в 350 году до нашей эры, когда Аристотель начал делиться своими мыслями и теориями о вакууме и формах планет. С изобретения Галилеем телескопа, стало возможным наблюдать космические тела, сначала внутреннего, а впоследствии внешнего космического пространства.