1. The best way to see Venice is to travel along the canals in a gondola.
Лучший увидеть Венецию - путешествовать по каналам на гондоле.
2. The gondoliers often sing to you as you travel the canals.
Гондольеры часто поют вам, когда вы путешествуете по каналам.
3. А longtail boat is a very long and narrow boat with a "tail" at the end. It floats with the help of a screw rotated by the engine.
Длиннохвостая лодка - очень длинная и узкая лодка с "хвостом" на конце. Она плывет с винта, вращаемого двигателем.
4. Longtail boats are often used as a kind of taxi for transporting tourist passengers. Longtail boat races are held in some provinces of Thailand.
Длиннохвостые лодки часто используются как своеобразное такси для перевозки пассажиров-туристов. В некоторых провинциях Таиланда проводятся гонки на длиннохвостых лодках.
5. A rickshaw tour not so expensive. You can reduce the price by haggling with the driver.
Поездка на рикше не такая дорогая. Вы можете снизить цену, поторговавшись с водителем.
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So, which is it? Do you crave the action of the city? Or is the country-life the only way for you? Here are a few pros and cons.
In cities there is no (3) stress of sights to see, museums to visit, concerts to go to, restaurants to eat at, art galleries to explore, and films and plays to see at the theatre or cinema. People have everything (4) reconnect easy access thanks to the transport system, or even within walking (5)distance. At the same time cities are filled with people and it is almost impossible to leave your house without seeing someone.
On the other hand, in the country you can escape the noise of traffic and the (6) shortage of crowds. You normally don’t rush in the countryside. The (7) pace of life is slower, more thoughtful. You slow down, but if you are up for it, that also allow you to better (8) within with your true self. Take a deep breath confident in knowing that the air you’re breathing is not contaminated by (9) Fumes created by cars and factories. Though, you may find yourself in deep boredom and your only (10) neighbours may be trees. So, it’s up to you to choice the life style perfect for you.