1. ‗Someone is shouting in the conference room. What is happening? ‗Mr. haynes is arguing with the Sales Manager again. 2. ‗I am waiting for the report you promised. Where is it?‘ ‗ I finish it right now. Just give me ten more minutes.‘ 3. ‗What do you usually do at lunchtime?‘ ‗ I generally bring a sandwich and eat it in the park. But today I am having lunch in the canteen.‘ 4. ‗Goodness me! What is Maxine d)? She looks really angry.‘ ‗She is trying to fix the photocopier. She always gets angry when she is doing that.‘
Confident (уверенный в себе)
Fun-loving (любящий веселье)
Sporty (спортивный)
Slim (стройный)
Dull (скучный)
Smart (умный)
Scruffy (неряшливый)
Self-conscious (комплектующий)