1. When he arrived, we were having a dinner.
2. Has he already arrived in Los Angeles?
3. I haven't seen him for two days.
4. Father was smoking his pipe while mother was preparing the tea.
5. She has already done the washing up.
6. Look! It is snowing now.
7. She had a motorcycle accident last winter.
8. Last night I was reading a book when suddenly I heard a scream.
9. Carol has already started her new job.
10. Last week my rabbit ran away, and I haven't found it yet.
11. The teacher was writing sentences on the board while the children were filling the words on the text.
12. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
13. What is Peter doing at the moment? He is having a bath.
14. I went to the theatre yesterday evening.
One day, Fred's family was sitting at a family dinner. Mom served fish and potatoes on the table. Fred and his sister ate quickly. The boy really liked it. He quickly finished everything, smacking his lips. When Fred's plate was empty, he saw a portion of Dad who did not notice anything while talking to Mom. Fred put his father's potatoes on his plate without being noticed. Only my sister found out the loss with a laugh. And when the last piece of potatoes disappeared in Fred's mouth, dad wanted to try the food, but he looked at his plate in surprise. Only Fred and his sisters drove to lunch laughing
Однажды, семья Фреда сидела за семейным обедом. Мама подала на стол рыбу с картофелем. Фред и его сестра быстро принялись за еду. Мальчику очень понравилось. Он быстро доел все чмокая губами. Когда тарелка Фреда опустела, он увидел порцию папы который ничего не замечал, разговаривая с мамой. Фред переложил картофель отца к себе на тарелку оставаясь не замеченным. Только сестра посмеиваясь обнаружила пропажу. И вот когда во рту Фреда исчезал последний кусочек картофеля, папа захотел попробовать еду, но удивлённо смотрел на свою тарелку. Только Фред и его сестра хохоча доедали свой обед.
Малена Хассан, королева скорпионов, жила в стеклянной клетке с 6 069 скорпионами в течение 36 дней. 4 В 1978 году Вальтер Робинсон через Ла-Манш. Он использовал специальные ботинки для воды. 5 Энтони Торнтон пошел назад в течение 24 часов. Он путешествовал со средней скоростью 6,4 километра в час.