! как у тебя дела? почему ты мне так долго не писал? у меня все хорошо. кошка скоро окотится. мне рыбок купят.
учусь я хорошо. троек и двоек в дневнике нет. в классе меня все уважают.
напиши мне, когда ты приедешь, как учишься и какие у тебя там друзья. пока!
hi! how are you doing? why didyou give meso long towrite? i'm fine.catkittenssoon.iwill buy thefish.i studywell.threesand twosin the diaryno.in the classi have allrespect.write mewhenyou come,asyou learnand whatyou havefriends there.bye!
important – more important – the most important
little – less –least
cheap-cheaper – the cheapest
popular – more popular – the most popular
happy-happier – the happiest
hot – hotter –the hottest
busy-busier – the busiest
much-more-the most
bright – brighter – the brightest
empty-emptier – the emptiest
bad-worse – the worst
large-larger – the largest
clever- cleverer-the cleverest
thin-thinner – the thinnest
kind – kinder- the kindest
late-later – the latest
expensive – more expensive – the most expensive
useful – more useful – the most useful
narrow – narrower – the narrowest
few- few – the fewest
wide – wider –the widest
dirty – dirtier – the dirtiest
difficult – more difficult-the most difficult
nice – nicer – the nicest
safe –safer –the safest
early – earlier –the earliest
exciting – more exciting –the most exciting
good –better –the best
heavy-heavier- the heaviest
2) What time will you have inner this evening? I imagine that Dad will start cooking at half past six, so at about seven o'clock.
3) Will you have children when you're older? No, I won't. And I will not get married.
4) Where will you take the dog for a walk? I think will go to the park.