One usually day in one market but in midday. I saw a strange man in our market he was always saying himself something strange hr was looking for something for about 2 hours then he go to me and asked me for some juice for his children but our market sale only ice cream I said to him he said that his children want ice-cream and I sold him ice-cream he droped it on floor and asked someone "it's okey?"It was very strange man.
1 My favorite New Year's holiday. 2 We decorate the Christmas tree different ornaments. 3 A lot of snow in the yard and every year we sculpt snowmen. 4 Cooking Christmas dinner and launching fireworks. 5 We congratulate each other on holidays and gifts to relatives. 6 The next day, we find under the tree gifts. 7 Opening them, we are happy. 8 That's why it's my favorite holiday.
Перевод: Мой любимый праздник Новый год. Мы украшаем ёлку разными украшениями. Выпадает много снега и во дворе мы каждый год лепим снеговиков.Готовим новогодний ужин и запускаем салют. Мы поздравляем друг друга с праздником и отправляем подарки родственникам. На следующий день под ёлкой мы находим подарки. Открывая их, мы радуемся. Вот поэтому это мой любимый праздник.
The man who can not be determined with a profession I would be well advised to find their talent and what he does the best.You may want to ask their friends what they saw in you your talents.Maybe you wouldn't know but they lie to you.You can also recall the school years.You better just get?
Вот еще как просили
You need good grades to achieve my goal as it is one of the most important parts of learning.With large knowledge in any subject you can comprehend a lot.So how will know to apply their knowledge in different situations. You need to attend classes on them teachers and professors will explain you all the tips and tricks.On them you will gain knowledge.If you're not going to attend classes you unlikely will ever know.