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19.01.2021 13:07 •  Английский язык

ответить на вопросы 1} what did always a man, who lived alone in the house, do? 2)how did he feel himself and what did he do one day? 3)what were the next nights like? 4} did he wash up the d1shes right away after his eating out of them? 5)what did he find out one night? 6)what was h1s house like soon? 7)what things couldn'the find? how did he feel himself? 8)what idea came to his mind? 9)why was he very tired? 10) what did he dec1de? 11)why is he happy at the end of the story? the rain had been falling on everything and soon the dishes were clean again. the rain washed them! then the man carried everything back into the house again. he put the dishes into the cupboard, the frying pan and the pots on the pot shelves, the ash trays on the tables, the flowerpots back where he found them, the vases where the vases go, the kettle on the gas cooker, and the soap dish in the bathroom. he was so very t1red after he had been carrying everything back and putting it away that he decided: "i will better always wash my dishes just as soon as i have finished my dinner: the next night when he came home, he cooked his dinner, flmshed to eat it, then washed the dishes and put them right away. he did this every night after that, too. he is very happy now. he can find his chairs, and he can find his clock, and he can find his bed. it is easy for him to get into his house, too, because there are no more dishes piled on the floor or anywhere!

The letter in his house, his own dialogue as servant and the dialogue of the woman/his wife? in his house suggest his name is Gajus.His wooden puppets show knowledge about the Cycle. Is there any more meaning to them? They seem like scenes from other peoples lifes in some cases.He talks about the Cycle and calls himself fleshless observer.He is in contact with someone as powerful and immortal as himself, through his letters. Who is this other person?The dialogue of the wife suggests that he is waiting for something, maybe an end to the Cycles, a world where they can live happily.He seems to know about your identity and could have told you directly how the Cleansing would happen, but chose not to. Maybe he has tried exactly that in the past and it didn't change anything. He even helps you along the path, by giving you the Word of the Dead.From his letter: "Pride was my downfall." What happened to him? What did he do? Was he a Prophet as well, that could only survive the Cleansing and saved only his wife, who is not immortal?One of the lead game developers said, he thought, the Aged Man's identity would be pretty obvious, if you listened to the dialogue, read his letter and looked at his wooden puppets.

What do you make of it? Is he a Prophet of a past Cycle? Is he a higher being like the mysterious woman? Has he something to do with the creation of the Cycle? Who is older, he or the Machine/Black Guardian?

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Большая работа МИФ
Работа получает страшную нажмите. Возьмите любую газету практически на любой день, и вы будете читать о том, как работа убивает наши браки, создавая стресс, лишает детей «качественное время», размывание местных общин и нажав нас.
Работа стала козлом отпущения для всех наших бедах.Дело против работы ставится в убедительных точки на почти ежедневной основе. Существует только одна проблема с ним: это бред. За правду, что, насколько работа, то мы никогда не было так хорошо.
Исследование показывает, что четыре из десяти английских рабочих заявить о себе "очень удовлетворены" своей работой - больше, чем во Франции, Германии, Италии или Испании. Средний заработок увеличился, многие фирмы предлагают больше декретный отпуск, треть фирм сейчас предлагают творческие отпуска, а две трети позволяют своим сотрудникам работать из дома какое-то время.Риторика о более продолжительный рабочий день и нужно ставить в перспективе.Средняя рабочий день увеличился в длину на протяжении последних двух десятилетий, но всего за одну минуту и сорок две секунды.
Несмотря на все улучшения в работе течение последних десятилетий, до сих пор укоренилось отношение, что счастье находится вне работы, что нас ждет в течение выходных. Эта идея, что работа является по существу плохо для нас имеет долгую историю. Карл Маркс описал работников, находящихся с "отчуждены" от продукта своего труда: "Что же, представляет собой отчуждение труда?" Спросил он. "Во-первых, тот факт, что труд является внешним по отношению к работнику, то есть она не принадлежит к его сущностного бытия; что в своей работе он не утверждает себя, но отрицает себя; не чувствует содержание, но недовольны; не развивать его физическое и психическое энергию, но умерщвляет его тело и разрушает его мысли. "Тем не менее, неустанно негатив о работе осуждает нас точно такой вид работы, что Маркс пытался освободить нас от 150 лет назад. Если мы признаем, что работа скучна и унизительно - выкуп заплатил за заложника нашего «свободного времени» - тогда мы позволяем отчуждение остаться.
Работа становится слишком важна для того, чтобы быть сомнительного качества. Работа сообщество, место, где мы встречаемся с друзьями и формировать отношения, поставщик наша социальная а также наша работа жизнь. Один из нас троих отвечает большинству наших друзей через работу, две трети из нас от кого-то на работе, и, по опросу, проведенному набор consultqncy Сандерс и Сидней, четверть из нас удовлетворить нашу жизнь там партнеров. Работа также становится более важным показателем идентичности. Семья, класс, регион, и религия в настоящее время менее надежные показатели, и работа заполнения зазора, что делает его наиболее важный факт о себе отметим когда мы встречаемся человек. "Работа", а Альберт Эйнштейн сказал, "это единственное, что дает основание жизни".
4,6(45 оценок)
I know she looks but in fact she is very .
reserved / emotional 
Question 3
Football, rugby and hockey have a but cricket and baseball have an .
referee / umpire
Question 4
My friend was looking for some trousers to go with that .
Выберите один ответ.
Question 5
A person who works seriously and with care is .
Question 6
The attitude of people to a person on many things.
Question 7
People don’t want to a cold all the time or from headaches.
catch / suffer 
Question 8
I like to in the shade of the trees and mushrooms and berries.
walk / pick 
Question 9
My hobby is cooking. I like cakes and pies.
special / to bake
Question 10
The pianist placed her ready over the of her piano.
fingers / keys
Question 11
People who apply themselves seriously to their work are .
Question 12
The people who watch football are called .
Question 13
Some people don’t like to have far from .
Выберите один ответ.
seats / the stage
Question 14
I was very with the glossy they sent me giving details of their sailing holidays.
impressed / brochure
Question 15
Mironov who was in the -role is a real with the public.
Выберите один ответ.
star / hero
Question 16
If you have a problem with a product or service, make a complaint.
Выберите один ответ.
faulty / bad 
Question 17
Sasha his father in and .
took after / appearance / character
Question 18
The doctor will for you and tell you what to eat and what not to eat.
prescribe a diet
Question 19
Are you going to travel by car? –No I haven’t passed my yet.
driving test
Question 20
London stores are of tradition and modernity.
a mixture
Question 21
The big stores of London are high with lighting, ventilation and heating.
buildings / well-planned
Question 22
Unfortunately, to be or handsome doesn’t mean to be happy.
Question 23
Making a family portrait is an important hobby. It will bring back in the years to come.
Question 24
I have never seen the audience so much. I think there were five .
applaud / curtain calls
Question 25
: 1
I’d like to tell you about my friend. Her is Liza.
Question 26
She tries to take exercise, though her work her busy.
regular / keeps
Question 27
A person who is well-known and has a good reputation is .
Question 28
This area has a fairly mild climate so we didn’t expect the to fall so sharply.
Question 29
I don’t really anything in my spare time I a lot and sleep.
do / read 
Question 30
There is nothing more unpleasant than when you are away from home.
falling ill
4,5(24 оценок)
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