1) Belgium(Бельгия)
2) Austria(Австрия)
3) Spain(Испания)
4) Italy(Италия)
5) Croatia(Хорватия)
1) Armenia(Армения)
2) Qatar(Катар)
3) Cyprus(Кипр)
4) Japan(Япония)
5) China(Китай)
1) Algeria(Алжир)
2) Senegal(Сенегал)
3) Egypt(Египет)
4) Marocco (Марокко)
5) Kenya(Кения)
North America(Северная Америка)
1) Haiti(Гаити)
2) Mexico (Мексика)
3) Canada( Канада)
4) Jamaica(Ямайка)
5) Domenican Republic(Домениканская республика)
South America(Южная Америка)
1) Argentina( Аргентина)
2) Brazil(Бразилия)
3) Peru(Перу)
4) Chili(Чили)
5) Columbia(Колумбия)
1) Australia(Австралия)
2) Nauru(Науру)
3) Samoa(Самоа)
4) Tonga(Тонга)
5) Fidgi(Фиджи)
1) Antarctic(Антарктида)
P.S не забудь поставить лучший ответ
32. "What we need is not threats but an offer to help." - He learned that
c) what they needed was not threats but an offer to help.
33. "I am an optimist." - He said
a) he was an optimist.
34. "Stay where you are!" - They told him
a) to stay where he was.
35. "Robert came to see me about once a month." - His mother told us that
c) he had come to see her about once a month.
36. "Hostilities must be halted immediately." - We agreed that
a) hostilities had to be halted immediately.
37. "I saw Helen in the office this very morning." - During his interrogation on March 17, he claimed that
a) he had seen her in the office that very morning.
38. "I believed in Richard." - Her excuse was that
b) she had believed in him.
39. "He'll try to leave the country." - The FBI suspected that
b) he would try to leave the country.
40. "We'll all be kept here". - The hostages feared that
a) they would all be kept there.
41. "You've got nothing to worry about." - They told me that
b) I had nothing to worry about.
42. "I can't concentrate." - I told her that
a) I could not concentrate.
43. "I'll be staying late at work." - Ben phoned home to say that
b) he would be staying late at work.