Предложения с вопросами: what - что, какой? when - когда? where - где, куда, откуда? who - кто? which - который? how often how many/much с каждого вопроса по одному предложению
Hello, my name is Jason and now im probably in most deep dump ever. Im staying at the 5 stars hotel, because my money from cars cleaning was been enough for that poor economics of country. Weather is incredible -- bunch of snow which we had yesterday became dirt. There is pretty cold, that makes my cock feel bad. When I walked around city, ive seen few freaks near garages, they ate some dust and than fallen in shake. Ive tried some meat from their open market and than it made me though that im dead, thats my last day. Ive made bricks, enough to build castel, but after ive felt good. Never come here, never ever. See you leter.
when do they go to the cinema
where are you from
who is there
which is accounted for by me
how often do you read
how many apple