1. The best way to see Venice is to travel along the canals in a gondola.
Лучший увидеть Венецию - путешествовать по каналам на гондоле.
2. The gondoliers often sing to you as you travel the canals.
Гондольеры часто поют вам, когда вы путешествуете по каналам.
3. А longtail boat is a very long and narrow boat with a "tail" at the end. It floats with the help of a screw rotated by the engine.
Длиннохвостая лодка - очень длинная и узкая лодка с "хвостом" на конце. Она плывет с винта, вращаемого двигателем.
4. Longtail boats are often used as a kind of taxi for transporting tourist passengers. Longtail boat races are held in some provinces of Thailand.
Длиннохвостые лодки часто используются как своеобразное такси для перевозки пассажиров-туристов. В некоторых провинциях Таиланда проводятся гонки на длиннохвостых лодках.
5. A rickshaw tour not so expensive. You can reduce the price by haggling with the driver.
Поездка на рикше не такая дорогая. Вы можете снизить цену, поторговавшись с водителем.
P.S.: Скорее всего это во к тексту, в котором есть точные ответы. Так как текст я не нашла, опиралась на общепризнанные факты. В любом случае, Вы можете немного подогнать ответы под текст.
It is situated in Quebec — the French part of Canada. It really looks like France: lots of narrow, small streets, cafes, and other tilings typical for France. It combines modern skyscrapers and XEX century mansions in a unique mixture. It’ s usually called ’ Paris of the Western Hemisphere’. The most interesting part of the city is the Notre-Dame de Montreal that is known as the most beautiful church in North America. The Basilica of Mary Queen is nearly half-size replica of St. Peter’ s in Rome. The Royal Place is the oldest place in Montreal. In the eastern part of Montreal you can see Olympic Park with its famous tower that close resembles the one that is in Pisa, Italy (the leaning one). One can take an elevator and go up this tower. Near the leaning tower there is a special place, where different animals and plants survive in their natural conditions.
The city’ s first subway, called the Metro was opened in 1966. Montreal is Canada’ s most important port. It is the chief manufacturing centre of Canada. It has a number of large libraries and several theatres. It is the seat of McGill University (English- speaking), the University of Montreal (French-speaking) and several colleges. There are many museums in the city and among them are the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Archaeology and History, Wax Museum and others.
Many collect stamps, postcards and. much more, But I collect books. The basis of my collection includes Shakespeare's books