Каникулы Баркерс А. Жизнь на ферме была интересная. Они часто играли игры со своими друзьями. На ферме было много животных: лошадей , коров , овец и коз . Дети бабушке и дедушке с животными . Так же они поливали цветы в бабушкином саду. B. В августе Джон и Салли были в Нью Йорке . Там они были со своими родителями . Oни любили Нью Йорк с его зелеными улицами и старыми красивыми домами. . Они остановились в отеле и это им очень понравилось . Еда была хорошая, номера были удобными, люди были хороши . Каникулы Брэйкерсов были замечательны . C. ЛеЛетоБрэйкерсы много путешествовал . В июле Джон и Салли были в Шотландии . Они остались со своими бабушкой и дедушкой на ферме. Дети отправились в Шотландию на поезде . Погода была чудесная . Было солнечно и очень тепло. Джон и Салли наслаждались едой в поезде.
Stuart greeted Snowball, and Snowball replied him dryly. Snowball remarked that his friend was up early. Stuart looked at his watch and agreed with Snowball. He said it was only five minutes past six, but he wanted to do some exercises. Snowball wondered if Stuart hadn't done all his exercises in the bathroom when he had made such a terrible noise. Snowball mentioned that Stuart had woken up all the house in order to brush his teeth. He went on that he thought Stuart's teeth were so smaal that there was no need to brush them. Snowball asked Stuart to look at his teeth if he wanted to see some good ones. Here Snowball opened his mouth and showed his white teeth, sharp as needles. Stuart remarked that Snowball's teeth were very nice, but said that his teeth were all right as well. Stuart also mentioned that he tried to do exercise every day. He boasted that his stomach muscles were firmer than those of Snowball. But the cat didn't agree with Stuart.