I finished reading an article about climate change.
(Past Simple, вс глагол - did)
Общий: Did I finish reading an article about climate change?
Альтернативный 1: Did I finish or begin reading an article about climate change?
Альтернативный 2: Did I finish reading or writing an article about climate change?
Разделительный: I finished reading an article about climate change, didn't I?
Специальный: What did I finish reading?
Вопрос к подлежащему: Who finished reading an article about climate change?
Cheesecakes from cottage cheese are so called, because in Russia cheese and cottage cheese are one and the same in essence. Our ancestors called cottage cheese cheese. It also turned out that the recipe for this delicacy is many centuries old. This is not surprising. Cheesecake is very rich in calcium and useful materials, as it is made from cottage cheese, and cottage cheese from milk. In Russia, cottage cheese was usually called "cheese", and only in the 19th century the word "cottage cheese" appeared, because in fact they are different products. But they did not change the name of the dish, only added the clarification that it is made of cottage cheese. In general, any dishes made from cottage cheese are called "cheesecakes".
1. She will be an our new teacher.
2. These exercises will be very difficult for you.
3. They will be glad to see their old friends.
4. There will be many examinations next term.
5. There will be a new club in our town next year.
6. We shall be very tired after the long walk.
7. I shall be happy to be here again.
8. We shall be interested in his progress.
Глагол to be в будущем времен во 2-м и 3-м лице -- will, в 1-м лице -- shall.
Хотя в англоязычных странах при употреблять везде will (тем более в сокращенном варианте 'll ), грамматически правильно все-таки в 1-м лице употреблять shall.