The main action of the film is around searching for the source of eternal youth. Each of the characters for various reasons is obsessed with the idea of finding it. Someone will bring there love, someone - a thirst for revenge, someone - fear of the inevitable. The plot of all the films of the series "Pirates of the Caribbean" has always been famous for its richness, numerous surprises, skeletons in the cupboards and pianos in the bushes. A lot of dynamically changing and intertwining events, fates, stories, legends and assignments at times not from the first viewing fit into the head. In this film, all this is half as much, so that those who do not like to understand the intricacies of the plot, the movie will surely like it. The main advantage of the plot of all parts was the absolutely unpredictable actions of the main characters, each of which led its own game in its own selfish interests. In this respect, the well-known Jack and Barbossa in this film outperform themselves. Also, they are joined by a new character - Angelica, who just as skillfully leads everyone around her finger and "lies, telling the truth."
Education In BelarusОбразование Belarusian education is well-appreciated and valued in the world so many foreign students want to receive training there. The educational system of the country is rather developed and comprises of pre-school, school and further education. Almost 70% of children start attending nursery before going to school. This stage is not compulsory, but is recommended. School education starts at the age of 6 and lasts for about ten years. This education is compulsory and children have to follow basic curriculum. When the secondary school is over, children receive a certificate of general education completion. At the age of 15 they are free to choose their further education. Some wish to serve in the military or join the workforce. Others continue studying at vocational schools or go for a higher education. There are two official languages in Belarusian system of education: Russian and Belarusian. There are over 50 Higher Education institutions throughout the country. Most of them are state-owned. Higher education is considered to be prestigious due to its high quality and affordability. That’s why most teenagers wish to continue studies after they finish school. The courses usually run for five years and provided either full-time or by correspondence. Gifted students have a chance to receive a scholarship or grant. Vocational schools are another post-school option. They offer refresher courses and retraining opportunities, which last for three years. The most venerable institution in the country is, of course, the Belarusian State University.
My school day begins with the fact that I get up early in the morning, wash, get dressed and eat breakfast. Then I go to school for the first lesson. In class I was waiting for my friends, and together we are waiting for a call. In class we will learn many new things that the teacher explains in detail. At recess, we chat together and play different games, repeating homework. After school I go home, have dinner. After a short rest, I start to do your homework and then the whole day is free. No wonder they say 'do business - walk safely. "
The plot of all the films of the series "Pirates of the Caribbean" has always been famous for its richness, numerous surprises, skeletons in the cupboards and pianos in the bushes. A lot of dynamically changing and intertwining events, fates, stories, legends and assignments at times not from the first viewing fit into the head. In this film, all this is half as much, so that those who do not like to understand the intricacies of the plot, the movie will surely like it.
The main advantage of the plot of all parts was the absolutely unpredictable actions of the main characters, each of which led its own game in its own selfish interests. In this respect, the well-known Jack and Barbossa in this film outperform themselves. Also, they are joined by a new character - Angelica, who just as skillfully leads everyone around her finger and "lies, telling the truth."