Прочитайте текст и вопросы ниже. Затем поставьте галочку (✔) напротив нужного варианта.
1) First Alex went to the theatre with
a) his friends
b) his classmates
✔c) his parents
d) alone
Объяснение: "Alex's first visit to the theatre was a year ago when he saw a famous musical - "My Fair Lady" - with his parents."
2) Alex was sitting
a) in the stalls
c) in the box
✔b) in the circle
d) on the stage
Объяснение: "Our seats were in the circle."
3) "My Fair Lady" is a
a) opera
✔c) musical
b) drama
d) soap opera
Объяснение: "Alex's first visit to the theatre was a year ago when he saw a famous musical - "My Fair Lady" - with his parents."
4) If you have the seats in the circle, you
✔a) sit upstairs
b) sit downstairs
c) can't see the stage well
d) have a bad view
Объяснение: "The difference is that the stalls are downstairs, whereas the circle is upstairs."
5) Alex thinks that the actors played
a) not very well
b) badly
c) without expression
✔d) brightly
Объяснение: "The actors played brightly, with expression."
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It is a domestic animal and it lives with people. -Это домашнее животное и живёт с людьми.
It eats meat and all kinds of food. - Она ест мясо и различную пищу.
It may be black , white ,red and of different color. - Она может быть чёрная,белая, рыжая и другого цвета.
I think they are not in danger as people take care of them. - Я думаю они не в опасности, так как люди защищают их.