Дельта Лены — одна из самых больших речных дельт в мире общей площадью 45 тыс. км². Начинается примерно в 150 км от моря Лаптевых. У её начала высится остров Столб — останец, отмытый водой от одного из отрогов Хараулахского хребта. Бесчисленные острова, островки, протоки и озёра, низкие, затопляемые во время разлива, беспрестанно меняющие очертания. Только три главные протоки доходят, не прерываясь, до моря: самая западная — Оленёкская, средняя — Трофимовская и восточная — Быковская. Все они судоходны, но наибольшее значение имеет Быковская длиной 106 км, по которой суда подходят к бухте Тикси, на берегу которой находятся морские ворота Якутии — порт Тикси. В дельте Лены находятся Усть-Ленский заповедник и крупнейший российский биосферный резерват Лена-Дельта площадью более 60 тыс. км². В заповеднике живёт огромное количество водоплавающих птиц, гусей, лебедей, уток, гагар, чаек и других.
В северной части дельты находятся острова Дунай.
Впервые описана и нанесена на карту Ленско-Енисейским отрядом Великой Северной экспедиции под командованием Василия Прончищева в августе 1735 года.
The Lena Delta is one of the largest river deltas in the world with a total area of 45 thousand km². It begins about 150 km from the Laptev Sea. At its beginning is the island of Pillar - the remains, washed by water from one of the spurs of the Kharaulakh ridge. Numerous islands, islets, channels and lakes, low, flooded during the spill, constantly changing outlines. Only three main channels reach, without interruption, to the sea: the westernmost is Olenyokskaya, the middle one is Trofimovskaya and the eastern one is Bykovskaya. All of them are navigable, but the most important is Bykovskaya with a length of 106 km, along which ships approach the Tiksi Bay, on the shore of which there are the sea gates of Yakutia - the port of Tiksi. In the delta of Lena there are Ust-Lensky Reserve and the largest Russian biosphere reserve Lena-Delta with an area of more than 60 thousand km². In the reserve there live a huge number of waterfowl, geese, swans, ducks, gulls, gulls and others.
In the northern part of the delta are the islands of the Danube.
For the first time it was described and mapped by the Lena-Yenisei detachment of the Great Northern Expedition under the command of Vasily Pronchishchev in August 1735.
1) You can buy things online if you trust e-shop. 2) Impossible, because people are too lazy to write their own assigments. 3) Our parents are more stricter to teenagers, so if there'll be any tries of it, teenager would be punished. 4) Internet makes people agressive and very impatient. They can't wait a lot for an answer. Internet makes people bad-tempered. 5) For sure, people have to pay money for music, because miscal groups need money too. But internet 'pirates' will never stop download music for free. 6) You can't trust everyone in the Internet. If you would like to start an internet company, you have to know your partner face-to-face. 7) Why not? There were a lot of situations, when people met their love and good friends in the internet.
1.он провел летние каникулы в москве=It spent summer vacation in Moscow 2.где ты провел зимние каникулы?=Where did you spend your winter vacation? 4.что твой брат делал вчера?-он смотрел кино.=What is your brother did yesterday? -one Watched a movie. 5.вчера я была в театре.=vchera I was in the theater. 6.официант подает напитки и еду=ofitsiant serving drinks and food 7.где дети?-они чистят зубы.Они навестили своих друзей в пятницу.= Where children? -they Cleaned teeth.they visited his friends last Friday. 15.я пойду в библиотеку на следующей неделе=I go to the library next week
В северной части дельты находятся острова Дунай.
Впервые описана и нанесена на карту Ленско-Енисейским отрядом Великой Северной экспедиции под командованием Василия Прончищева в августе 1735 года.
The Lena Delta is one of the largest river deltas in the world with a total area of 45 thousand km². It begins about 150 km from the Laptev Sea. At its beginning is the island of Pillar - the remains, washed by water from one of the spurs of the Kharaulakh ridge. Numerous islands, islets, channels and lakes, low, flooded during the spill, constantly changing outlines. Only three main channels reach, without interruption, to the sea: the westernmost is Olenyokskaya, the middle one is Trofimovskaya and the eastern one is Bykovskaya. All of them are navigable, but the most important is Bykovskaya with a length of 106 km, along which ships approach the Tiksi Bay, on the shore of which there are the sea gates of Yakutia - the port of Tiksi. In the delta of Lena there are Ust-Lensky Reserve and the largest Russian biosphere reserve Lena-Delta with an area of more than 60 thousand km². In the reserve there live a huge number of waterfowl, geese, swans, ducks, gulls, gulls and others.
In the northern part of the delta are the islands of the Danube.
For the first time it was described and mapped by the Lena-Yenisei detachment of the Great Northern Expedition under the command of Vasily Pronchishchev in August 1735.